Friday, April 24, 2009

In the moment

Before becoming a Mom I used to always hear about how "fast they grow" or "cherish each moment", and I would just nod and think that I knew exactly what they were talking about. I used to acknowledge the Mom's who said "life is totally different now, not bad, just different" and say, "I'm sure it is", not really knowing what or why someone would say that. I used to think I really understood Mommy-hood because I had babies around and in my life since I was 10 years old, but I didn't. I didn't understand it at all until I became an official member of this really special club.

Every day there are moments that I wish I could package up and seal away forever. Maybe in a little box, that I could always open and relive each moment I was able to capture.
I feel funny even admitting it, but I already miss Makayla being a newborn. Don't get me wrong I absolutely relish in her new discoveries, her new sounds, rolling over and reaching out for me. She is just gr owning up so fast! What every Mom before me has said is so true!

People always tease me about how many pictures I take of her, or why she is always on my social networking pages. I think the best way to answer that is, love...I want to share the love that I have for my daughter with the rest of the world. Just imagine what the world would be like if we loved everyone in our lives with that much intensity. And if you do love your children, spouse, friends and family that deeply, why not share it with the world? Love is contagious!

I am truly looking forward to the coming days, weeks, months and years with my beautiful daughter and amazingly wonderful husband!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Makayla Update!

Sorry this took so long, but here is an update on our little girl!

At her 2 month (1/29/09) check up, she weighed in at 11lbs 22.5 inch. She is growing up so fast we cant believable it! She is full of smiles, giggles and coo's. Enjoy her 2 mo photo sitting!