Sunday, November 23, 2008

39 weeks, 4 days and counting!

Well here we are, heading towards the finish line! It seems like my body has been laboring at a slow pace. I started dilating about a cm a week starting at about 36 weeks. Contracts are regular at times, sometime for more then an hour at a time, 3 minutes or less apart, but no real pain or increase in intensity. What ever my body is doing it is working, and nothing I do seems to help it along! So far I have been walking everyday, tried nipple stimulation, spicy food, pineapple, prunes, sex, and even an enema! I guess what they say is true, your body will go into labor when it is ready! I decided long ago I wouldn't try castrol oil, with my sensitive digestive system I really dont think it would be pleasant.

I have my last doctors appointment tomorrow morning (Nov. 24th) and we will see how far along I am now and Makayla's position. Last weeks appointment we found out I was just shy of 3cm, -1 position. (she feels totally lower today) My doctor says my body is totally ready and if we wanted to schedule induction he was fine with that, so we did! We are scheduled for Nov. 26th! Doctor Hughes says since I have dilated and my body is already working/ready an induction should work beautifully and more then likely not lead to a C-section. If we end up with a C-section, we would have had one regardless of an induction or not. (basically she wouldn't have fit or my body wouldn't dilate any more) So we are pretty excited to finally know when she will be here for sure!

However I have been feeling different today...lots of low pressure and the vaginal pain associated with her dropping lower and lower, so maybe we will go natural before the 26th...I guess all we have to do now is wait and see!

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