Monday, December 1, 2008


(click here for more pictures!)

After 3 weeks of light labor (early labor stage), we made it to our induction date, 11/26/2008. Already 3 cm and 70% effaced, Makayla was well on her way.
Dr. Hughes broke my water at 9:05 am, and the patocin was started at about 9:45am and my epidural was ordered. The anesthesiologist came so fast and my epidural was in place before I ever felt any "real" pain. At 11:00am I had already dilated to 4 cm, 80% effaced. Pretty soon my Dad and Jayne showed up with all kinds of labor comforters and of course with the rabbits-Dharla and Phhill.
Around 12:30pm I was feeling a little discomfort, actually a little pain like strong menstrual cramps. My amazing nurse, Martha said that it should not be painful with the epidural and that it was probably Makayla being pushed down into the birth canal, "lets check!" I was 6cm 90%. By now Sandra and Maya showed up and everyone was excited but relaxed figuring this was going to take a while...little did we know!
At about 1:45pm I started to feel that uncomfortable cramping again. Martha was at lunch so nurse Debbie came in to check on me and we talked about it but figured it was the epidural not getting to me easily because I was sitting straight up and to give my self a little extra dose. However I had done that already and it only worked for a few minutes. Right after nurse Debbie left Martha came back and I told her that I was having that feeling again, she asked me if I felt like I need to push, I didnt, I just felt cramping.
Martha quickly shuffled everyone out of the room and checked me...I was complete, it was 2pm!
I stated pushing a little after 2:15pm, Makayla was born at 2:28pm PST 11/26/2008 8 pounds 9 onces!