Sunday, May 20, 2012

Deal of the Week - OceanSpray

Another great Safeway shopping trip!

20 Ocean Spray Safeway sale price $1.67 each plus Buy On Get One Free Coupon = $.83 each
5 Kraft Salad Dressing Safeway sale price $1.39 $1.00 off Man coupon Smart Source insert 5/20  = $.39
5 Oscar Mayer Carvers Safeway sale price $2.99 $1.00 off Man Coupon = $1.99
2 Pringles Safeway sales price $1.25

Total bill with out coupons or club card, $134.21

Card Savings $58.63
J4U Coupons $29.35
Paper Coupons $18.64
Total savings $106.62
79% savings

I paid,  $27.59!

Bonus!! I also got a catalina coupon at the register for $4 off next shopping trip! So you could say I spent $23.59.

Yesterday I also took advantage of the buy 2- 12 pack Pepsi products get 2- 12pk pepsi''s free and a bag of dorritos. 

Used 2 manf coupons $2 off 2, Total bill, $8.98

Friday, May 11, 2012

Deal of the Week!

4 V8 Fusions
4 Capri Sun

Safeway 5/9/2012

Sale- buy 4 like items for $1.79 each
2 - $1.00 off V8 coupons
$10 off any purchase (Safeway coupon)

Total out the door with tax and CRV  $3.52 = $.44 each!

Friday, May 4, 2012


I have been actively couponing for almost a year now, and everyone always ask me how I do it. Well it is a little different here in California then what you see on "Extreme Couponing" because stores do not double coupons here in California. (However- KMart is now offering double coupon specials for 5 coupons a day, doubling coupons up to $1= $10 off your shopping trip with a $25 minimum transaction...I will be taking that for a test drive tomorrow!!)

So I am going to try to post my good shopping trips here on my family blog!

There are 3 main stores that I use for grocery, household supplies, personal care and baby items.

1) Target - Some food, baby, household and personal care
2) Safeway - Food only
3) Food Maxx - Food only
4) Win Co - Food only

Regularly checking weekly ads for great buys at:

1) Rite Aid
2) Walgreens
3) CVS

I had a good Safeway shopping trip today, not my best, but pretty good. Here we go!!

7 Starbucks Energy drinks Free (reg price $2.67 each) Manufacture Coupon**
4 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks $.64 each =$2.56 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale*
2 Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal $1.49 each = $2.98 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale**
2 Coco Puffs Cereal $1.49 each = $2.97 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale**
2 Cream corn cans $.79 each= $1.58 In-Store Sale
4 Stewed Tomatoes $.89 each=$3.56 In-Store Sale
2 Jolly Time Popcorn $1.17 each=$2.34 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale*
2 Tostitos Chips $1.49 each=$2.98 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale*
3 Pop Tarts $1.16 each=$3.47 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale*
1 Mio $1.99 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale*
2 Ritz Cheese Crackers $2.50 each =$5.00 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale
3 Rosarita Beans Cans $.83 each =$2.50 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale*
1 Oreo Cookies $1.99 In-Store Sale*
2 V8 Vegi-Fruit Juice $1.49 each =$2.98 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale
1 Crisco Canola Oil $5.00  In-Store Sale
2 Kraft Shredded Cheese $1.99 each=$3.99  In-Store Sale
1 Lucerna Sour Cream $1.08  In-Store Sale
1 Kerns Guava $1.99 In-Store Sale
8 Yoplait Yogurt $.45 each =$3.60 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale
2 Yoplait Go-Gurt $1.88 each=$3.76  In-Store Sale
4 Red Baron Mini Pizza $1.99 =$7.96 In-Store Sale**
2 Precious String Cheese $3.99 each =$7.99 In-Store Sale
1 Bag Frozen Chicken Breasts $10.76 In-Store Sale
2 Oscar Meyer Bacon $3.45 each =$6.89  Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale
1 Seapack Butterfly Shrimp $4.99 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale
12 White Corn Ears $.30 each $3.67 In-Store Sale*
4 Roma Tomatoes $.30 each (.99 /lb) $1.19 In-Store Sale
2 Large Hass Avocados $1.25 each =$2.50 In-Store Sale
3 Romaine Hearts $3.00 In-Store Sale
2 Fresh Express Salad $2.49 each =$4.98 In-Store Sale
2 Kraft Fresh Take $1.12 each = $2.24 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale*

Total before coupons $254.99
Total after coupons and in-store savings $100.20 (what I paid!)
Total savings $154.79 = 61% savings

6 Pepsi Next Liters $.35 each = $2.09 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale**
5 -12pack Pepsi Fridgemate $2.19 each = $10.98 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale**
1 Viva Paper Towels (6 pack) $4.00 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale
1 Imperial (4 sticks) $.99 (usually pay .89 @ Win Co) In-Store Sale
1 Dozen Large A Eggs $1.70  In-Store Sale*
3 Frozen Potatoes (Tots/O'Brien) $1.99 each = $5.97 In-Store Sale
1 Banquet Chicken Nuggets $3.99 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale
4 I Cant Believe It's Not Butter Tubs $.74 each = $2.96 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale**
2 Jello cups $2.40 each = $4.80 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale
4 Sargento Cheddar Cheese Slices $1.58 each = $6.33 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale**
2 Baby Yogurt $2.59 each $5.18 (hard to find item-paid regular price)
2 Frozen Juice $1.00 each = $2.00  In-Store Sale
1 Gallon Non Fat Milk $3.49 (I never pay this much for milk!!!)
2 Great Harvest Bread Loaves $2.50 each = $5.00 Manufacture Coupon & In-Store Sale*

Total before coupons $155.83
Total after coupons and in-store savings $59.44 (what I paid!)

Total savings $96.33 = 63% savings
Total I paid on this trip $159.64

I split the transactions into two separate transactions so I could use the $10 off coupon for spending $50.

Now, there were a few errors I found on the receipt, so I will be going back and getting about $14.00 back too!

My next trip will be a Target trip, one of my favorites!!

* = Good Deal
**Awesome Deal!

This is my first attempt of sharing what I do...if you have any questions or need more details, please let me know!!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Family Photos


So it has been a super long time since I have posted anything!! Live has been truly busy the last 8 months. A lot of fun things to look at...welcoming Keely to the family, Makayla's 3rd birthday party, Kaesyn's  birth, Disneyland and more! So here is a quick look at what we have been doing over the last 8 months.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Over Due Update

We are excited to announce that we are expecting Baby Thomas #2! We will find out if it is a boy or a girl next week, May 3rd and we are so excited about making plans for the new addition!

Makayla is growing up so fast!! Where did the time go? She has so much fun with her play group friends, she just loves them, and so do I.

We are also excited to announce that we will have another addition to the family...Keely! Keely is a wonderful young lady from Columbia who will be joining our family for a year. We hope to welcome her right before Baby Thomas comes in September 2011. We just know that Makayla will adore her and so will we!

More soon!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Getting Ready for the Big 2!

We have had the idea for Makayla's 2nd birthday party for a few months now, but I actually started on the details last week. Some of the details are starting to stress me out, and they shouldn't be! For example, for some reason I am having a hard time trying to figure out if I want to try and make another cake or order one...

However, I have a lot of fun making her invitations and I think they came out great!

Barney is due to arrive at 2:45 and I am just praying that it is a good show. Plus the weather has been so wonderful, we are thinking about moving the party to the park across the street!
I am starting tho think I should just stick to my first instincts and keep it simple and fun.

If you like this invitation, please feel free to contact me or visit my design website at

Halloween 2010

We had a lot of fun this Halloween! Makayla was a Hula girl at her play group party which was a blast. For Halloween night she was Elmo.

This girl got the hang of trick or Trick after the first door bell! She pushed her way to the front every time, just dying to ring the doorbell, even if she couldn't reach. We had a blast Trick or Treating with our play group friends!

Friday, April 24, 2009

In the moment

Before becoming a Mom I used to always hear about how "fast they grow" or "cherish each moment", and I would just nod and think that I knew exactly what they were talking about. I used to acknowledge the Mom's who said "life is totally different now, not bad, just different" and say, "I'm sure it is", not really knowing what or why someone would say that. I used to think I really understood Mommy-hood because I had babies around and in my life since I was 10 years old, but I didn't. I didn't understand it at all until I became an official member of this really special club.

Every day there are moments that I wish I could package up and seal away forever. Maybe in a little box, that I could always open and relive each moment I was able to capture.
I feel funny even admitting it, but I already miss Makayla being a newborn. Don't get me wrong I absolutely relish in her new discoveries, her new sounds, rolling over and reaching out for me. She is just gr owning up so fast! What every Mom before me has said is so true!

People always tease me about how many pictures I take of her, or why she is always on my social networking pages. I think the best way to answer that is, love...I want to share the love that I have for my daughter with the rest of the world. Just imagine what the world would be like if we loved everyone in our lives with that much intensity. And if you do love your children, spouse, friends and family that deeply, why not share it with the world? Love is contagious!

I am truly looking forward to the coming days, weeks, months and years with my beautiful daughter and amazingly wonderful husband!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Makayla Update!

Sorry this took so long, but here is an update on our little girl!

At her 2 month (1/29/09) check up, she weighed in at 11lbs 22.5 inch. She is growing up so fast we cant believable it! She is full of smiles, giggles and coo's. Enjoy her 2 mo photo sitting!

Monday, December 1, 2008


(click here for more pictures!)

After 3 weeks of light labor (early labor stage), we made it to our induction date, 11/26/2008. Already 3 cm and 70% effaced, Makayla was well on her way.
Dr. Hughes broke my water at 9:05 am, and the patocin was started at about 9:45am and my epidural was ordered. The anesthesiologist came so fast and my epidural was in place before I ever felt any "real" pain. At 11:00am I had already dilated to 4 cm, 80% effaced. Pretty soon my Dad and Jayne showed up with all kinds of labor comforters and of course with the rabbits-Dharla and Phhill.
Around 12:30pm I was feeling a little discomfort, actually a little pain like strong menstrual cramps. My amazing nurse, Martha said that it should not be painful with the epidural and that it was probably Makayla being pushed down into the birth canal, "lets check!" I was 6cm 90%. By now Sandra and Maya showed up and everyone was excited but relaxed figuring this was going to take a while...little did we know!
At about 1:45pm I started to feel that uncomfortable cramping again. Martha was at lunch so nurse Debbie came in to check on me and we talked about it but figured it was the epidural not getting to me easily because I was sitting straight up and to give my self a little extra dose. However I had done that already and it only worked for a few minutes. Right after nurse Debbie left Martha came back and I told her that I was having that feeling again, she asked me if I felt like I need to push, I didnt, I just felt cramping.
Martha quickly shuffled everyone out of the room and checked me...I was complete, it was 2pm!
I stated pushing a little after 2:15pm, Makayla was born at 2:28pm PST 11/26/2008 8 pounds 9 onces!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

39 weeks, 4 days and counting!

Well here we are, heading towards the finish line! It seems like my body has been laboring at a slow pace. I started dilating about a cm a week starting at about 36 weeks. Contracts are regular at times, sometime for more then an hour at a time, 3 minutes or less apart, but no real pain or increase in intensity. What ever my body is doing it is working, and nothing I do seems to help it along! So far I have been walking everyday, tried nipple stimulation, spicy food, pineapple, prunes, sex, and even an enema! I guess what they say is true, your body will go into labor when it is ready! I decided long ago I wouldn't try castrol oil, with my sensitive digestive system I really dont think it would be pleasant.

I have my last doctors appointment tomorrow morning (Nov. 24th) and we will see how far along I am now and Makayla's position. Last weeks appointment we found out I was just shy of 3cm, -1 position. (she feels totally lower today) My doctor says my body is totally ready and if we wanted to schedule induction he was fine with that, so we did! We are scheduled for Nov. 26th! Doctor Hughes says since I have dilated and my body is already working/ready an induction should work beautifully and more then likely not lead to a C-section. If we end up with a C-section, we would have had one regardless of an induction or not. (basically she wouldn't have fit or my body wouldn't dilate any more) So we are pretty excited to finally know when she will be here for sure!

However I have been feeling different today...lots of low pressure and the vaginal pain associated with her dropping lower and lower, so maybe we will go natural before the 26th...I guess all we have to do now is wait and see!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Halloween 2008

It's our anniversary, anniversary....

2nd Anniversary

We had so much fun celebrating our 2 year anniversary! We shared the evening with Raina and Tony at the Maxwell concert, and it was great. We had a good meal at Mexicali Rose, then headed over to the Paramount Theater.
Not only did Maxwell deliver an amazing vocal performance but he actual has grown as an overall performer! This is Raina and I 3rd time seeing him in concert and I have never seen him so animated and expressive! Well, I guess it's hard not to have fun when women are throwing their panties and bras at you! Maxwell was loving it!

How fast the time has gone by...if feels like we feel in love just yesterday! And who says marriage isn't great?!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Baby Shower!

Wow, Makayla is so loved!
Her shower was so much fun and so many people came, the house was packed to say the least! Our wonderful hostess' Tameca, Raina and Kimberlee created such a beautiful party! We had tons of fun with the games we played, I think the guys to the clothes pin game to a new level! Plus they carried the poop(candy) diapers around like they really had poop in them! LOL

Makayla received so many wonderful gifts between personalized diaper bags and accessories, hand made blankets, clothes and all the little necessities needed those first few months!
We have continued to thanked everyone, but there is no such thing as too much! So here's another shot out of warm hugs, love and a super big thank you to everyone!

If anyone has any pictures from the shower please share!

Our Baby Shower